Dr. Amanda Rios Dr. Amanda Rios

“The Call to Teach” and Other Supervision Reflections

"When supervisees start to build autonomy and begin to better understand themselves as clinicians, as people who can impact this world, and can ask directly for what they need in supervision, I know that they are embarking on new developmental milestones in their training. This fills my heart with pride, and it fills my spirit with a sense of true accomplishment. Maybe that’s what the “Call to Teach” is all about."

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Dr. Imman Musa Dr. Imman Musa

Subtle Forms of Self-Sabotage

A common saying states that “we are our own worst enemies.” I understand this quote to mean that we often get in our own way of achieving our goals or living a life that is truly meaningful and fulfilling.

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Dr. Latrice Peoples Dr. Latrice Peoples

The Importance of Historical Context

If Black people must be charged with the weight of experiencing racism and the microaggressions that come along with it, others should be educated about the history of racism in this country and work collectively to be part of the systemic change.

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