The Different Systems in a “Systems-Approach” to Therapy

Whether you are new to CORE or have been with us for a while, you likely have noticed that CORE emphasizes using a “systems-approach” to therapy. But what does this mean? Finlay (2015) describes systems theory as being, “concerned with the web of connections between persons and world, self and others.” Generally, a systems-approach to therapy focuses on how a person is impacted by the various environments and relationships (systems) in which they exist. Within the umbrella of systemic therapy, there are a wide variety of theories and therapies. One frequently used at CORE is IFS, or Internal Family Systems. This therapy focuses on the internal “parts” that exist within a person and how they work together in different ways. Other family systems approaches focus on specific relationships and environments. Expanding even further, the bioecological model emphasizes the importance of systems that include politics, social norms, and time. As a therapist, I appreciate how systemic therapy emphasizes the different contexts in which a person lives and can account for conflicting and co-existing realities.

One of the foundational theories for systemic therapy is Bronfenbrenner’s Bioecological Systems Theory. This theory suggests that a person’s development is greatly influenced by their interactions with their environments. Bronfenbrenner conceptualized the systems like nesting dolls – each system is encapsulated by the next larger system. The microsystem (family, school, peers, care environments) provides an individual with the tools and knowledge to interact with the larger systems. For this reason, therapy tends to focus primarily on the microsystem. However, the microsystem is embedded within the larger systems, making them important to address in therapy as well.

The three largest systems of the Bioecological model include the Exosystem, Macrosystem, and Chronosystem. The Exosystem consists of larger institutions and mass media. This includes the government that influences policies in schools, hospitals, and other public spaces. When working with clients, we might address the Exosystem by talking about how policies prevent access to necessary treatment or social services. Other ways I see the Exosystem impacting my clients are through changes in laws, employment loss, or discipline from school systems.

The Macrosystem consists of social norms, cultural values and societal expectations. These cultural norms typically inform institutions and the policies they create. As a therapist, I see that people’s values and goals are often influenced by what they think they should care about, when in reality their values might be very different from society’s messaging. For example, a student might think they should become a doctor or women think they should always be the sole caretaker of their loved ones. We might explore this in therapy by discussing the client’s individual values or brainstorming how others can lessen the demand of caretaking for family.

The largest system in the Bioecological model is the Chronosystem. This system embodies the historical context in which a person lives. Cultural values, historical events, pandemics, trends, and development of technology are examples of the Chronosystem. When I work with clients, the Chronosystem might look like parents having different values or expectations from their children. Young women might be the first in their family to go to college or prioritize their career. For men, they might be trying to learn more about their emotions after being told by previous generations that “big boys don’t cry.”

At this point, you might be wondering, what does this mean for my therapy experience? To answer this, I will first provide an example: the onset of COVID-19 in 2020. During this time, everyone existed within the Chronosystem of a global pandemic. At the Macrosystem, cultural ideals and values, such as being an individualistic or collectivist culture, impacted the decisions made by institutions within the Exosystem. The Exosystem then implemented various policies about masking, shutdowns for public spaces, vaccinations, and social distancing. In turn, these policies impacted the smaller systems (the Mesosystem and Microsystem). Some adults switched to remote work while others were laid off. Children suddenly switched to online schooling with under-resourced teachers. Many people were cut off from their primary social support while others were quarantined with people who caused harm. Finally, these Microsystem changes directly affect the individual, creating feelings of isolation, fear, shame, anxiety, etc. and leading to various coping strategies. For many people, the impact of COVID-19 continues to the present and might have been the reason some individuals sought out therapy.

In 2025, the larger systems in the U.S. have been impacted by a change in administration. As with any presidential election cycle or major geopolitical event, the bioecological systems react and respond in different ways, resulting in a multitude of varying effects on the individual. Now, let’s go back to the question of what does this mean for my therapy experience? My suggestion is to attend to the broader systems in therapy. In the same way individual experiences and relationships are talked about in therapy, each person is in a relationship with these broader systems as well. It is natural to feel impacted by global events and have emotional reactions. While the larger systems are not as malleable as the smaller systems, they are still worth exploring, as they can have a significant impact. Discussing institutional systems, cultural values, societal norms, and historical events in a therapeutic format can deepen understanding of oneself. It can help a person learn about the values that are personally important to them versus the values assumed through culture or society. Exploration of the larger systems can also help to put into context various life experiences, such as helping to understand how some beliefs were internalized or the ongoing impact of discrimination.

As a therapist, I like how a systems-approach to therapy encapsulates many facets, with the main theme being that a person is more than their individual self. Everyone is impacted by the different environments in which they exist. While therapy tends to focus on the people in the therapy room, Bronfenbrenner’s theory is a reminder that a person cannot be truly understood without exploring their greater systemic context. Because of this, a systems-approach not only encourages, but necessitates exploring a person’s relationship with the larger systems, including current events, societal norms, and governing institutions. I believe that talking about systems outside the individual really enhances and deepens the therapeutic experience, and I hope more people will start exploring these systems in their own therapy!


Bioecological Systems Theory. (2021, November 27). Social Sci LibreTexts.

Exploring the concept of community in relation to Early Years practice | Journal | The University of Aberdeen. (2017, December 4).

‌Systemic Theory and Therapy. (2015). Relational Integrative Psychotherapy, 212–225.

Dr. Jaclyn Pachicano, Ph.D.

Dr. Pachicano is currently a postdoctoral fellow working towards her license as a Clinical Psychologist. She received her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from Marquette University and her bachelor’s degree in psychology from Northwestern University. Dr. Pachicano provides individual, couples, family, and group psychotherapy services at CORE. Her therapeutic approach is integrative and multicultural and draws from Psychodynamic Therapy and Emotion-Focused Therapy, while also adding Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), depending on the client’s concerns and goals for treatment.

Dr. Pachicano specializes in working with mood and anxiety disorders, identity development, interpersonal relationship concerns, life transitions, and young adults. Prior to joining the CORE team, she had experience working in community mental health, private practice, crisis services, and college counseling settings. In her relationships with clients, she prioritizes collaboration and honoring values as important components of the healing process. She is especially passionate about working with people from marginalized communities and approaching therapy from a decolonial and social justice orientation.

Racial Trauma